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Likwidity Interest Calculator

Use this interactive calculator to estimate the potential improvement in your bottom line from using the Likwidity SaaS platform based on actual client results

To calculate cost of doing business and potential value Likwidity can provide, enter values in fields highlighted in yellow below.


  • Likwidity operates as a treasury software platform and is not an advisor or broker. The information shown here is not exhaustive and is a work in progress

  • The illustrative Likwidity benefit shown is as a result of price discovery and not through any financial engineering

  • The illustrative Likwidity enhancement on rates is based on average transactions concluded on the Likwidity platform and may not offer your organization the same outcomes

  • The information provided is only for wholesale/institutional investors and not for retail investors

  • Ratings are generally shown as Long Term/Short Term

  • The rates shown here are purely indicative and may be sourced from a variety of sources and do not reflect what the individual banks may offer

  • Where hyperlinks are provided they are for illustrative purposes and at your own risk

  • The S&P ratings are sourced from various public sources and may not be correct at the current date

  • Likwidity is making this information available to specific users to encourage users to perform their own research and evaluation and not to base any decision on the above

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​*Trade Mark Australia 1875710

Based on transactions on Likwidity

Likwidity provides a Software as a Service (SaaS) and a Platform as a Service (PaaS) solution to enable clients to do automated and efficient price discovery on Cash Funds.

The service is not for Retail and is best suited for Enterprise clients.

Rates shown and interest benefits are derived from various sources and may contain incorrect information.

Where Bank credit ratings are shown, we source the information directly from the service providers. Ratings are shown for Short Term Deposits and are displayed as S&P/ Moody's. ​

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